نوع همکاری : مجری
کارفرما : دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر
سال طرح : 1388
مشاهده سایر طرح های نرگس عبیدی
Iron deficiency is the most prevalent and worldwide form of malnutrition. Visfatin is an adipocytokine with insulin-like and inflammatory effects that increases in obesity and diabetes. Ghrelin as another adipocytokine is contributing to the regulation of appetite and obesity. Regarding the relation of adipocytokine and ferritin (an iron content indicator with adipose tissue) it is logical and suitable to investigate visfatin and ghrelin levels in iron deficient state. Generally sixty seven people participated in the case - control study. These subjects were referred to laboratory by physician during routine checkup. Subjects in the case and the control groups had serum ferritin below and above 10 µg/l, respectively. The hematological parameters were measured. Also serum concentrations of ferritin, visfatin, and ghrelin were measured by ELISA techniques and two groups were statistically analyzed. Hematologic parameters did not demonstrate significant differences between the case and the control groups. However, serum concentrations of visfatin and ghrelin were significantly reduced in the case subjects compared to the control groups. Our data revealed that serum concentrations of visfatin and ghrelin decreased in the case group, and this finding showed that measurements of these adipokines may be useful in the prediction of iron deficiency. Keywords: Iron deficiency, Ferritin, Visfatin, Ghrelin